Ponyplay Clips

Beautiful girls use men as their ponies

Cameron is a very smoking hot mistress, but she also likes to think outside of the box. Cameron is going to have her well trained pony slave get ready for her to take a ride. She will sit on his back, and tell him where to take her. She might even bust out her whips, and really make her pony slave give her a good ride.

Katja is a very demanding mistress with amazing talents. She loves to train her slaves to become pony boy's. One of her newest recruits is an excellent pony boy and does exactly what his mistress instructs him to do. She likes to use her whips on her pony boy to keep him under control and following all of the instructions that she gives him. He is well trained.

When Mistress Sue gives an order, she wants it done. If not, she will make them do it with her on their back. Literally. As soon as Mistress Sue realizes she has to punish a slave, she strips down to her lingerie and gets on his back. He has to carry her to do the task and carry her back to her favorite room for his punishment. The entire time, she will tell him how worthless he is without her.

As soon as she gets her new slave, she strips down to her lingerie. As she tells him her rules, he acts as her foot rest. As soon as she is ready to teach him, she gets on his back and tells him to walk. She loves the gentle rocking of his back against her pussy. He loves the full weight of her body on him, making his back ache.

When this brunette gets a new slave, she enjoys breaking him in. She loves putting him on his knees and making him her pony. He gets on his knees and she teaches him to accept the weight of her body. She teaches him the commands that he needs to know and how to move when she wants him to. As soon as she says stop, he collapses and learns that he has to start all over again.

When Mistress Kasha wants to ride, she calls her slave and she rides him. She wants him to feel her strong thighs on his sides, squeezing him. She wants to feel him bucking and moving under her. When he doesn't move like she wants, she has no problem in spanking his ass with her riding crop. She loves making him move just the way she wants and nothing less than that will do.

Sexy Svenja decides to use her slave for pony play use. The luscious blonde is dressed in her pink top and matching lingerie with her netted stockings on as she takes the little pony around the living room riding his back and breaking him hard. She rides him, she uses him as a footstool, and then she is simply putting him away in a corner humiliating her little slave.

Gorgeous blonde vixen Sandra trains her slave and rides him around the room with his dog collar firmly attached to his neck. Sandra is giving him a riding lesson which demands quite a lot of the unexperienced pony. She sits on him in her tight jeans and cowboy boots taking him for a long ride around the living room making him go in circles and breaking his back underneath.

Gorgeous Alexa rides her weak slave around like a human pig making him squeal for her on his hands and knees on the ground. He has to carry her around while she squeezes her long legs not to fall down. She slides up and down his back making him suffer under neath her weight as she kicks at him to take her little piggy faster around the room.

She is tall - and she wants fun! She orders her slave to be her pony! He has to go down on his knees. While doing so she humiliates him and makes fun of him. Then she puts her hands on his back first, lowers her sexy butt and takes a seat on him! With her weight on his shoulders he has to move around like a pony! And that's exactly what he is now!

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