Ponyplay Clips

Beautiful girls use men as their ponies

This mistress was tired of the other kinds of punishments she gave her slave. She was getting bored of them herself so she sat down and tried to come up with something to do to him as punishment but at the same time something that would be fun to him. She settled on pony play so she rode him like a pony and had fun whipping him and humiliating him.

Mistress Anfisa loves being unpredictable. She had been with this slave for a long time and he could fairly predict what she would do to him. She realized that and she decided to play him. When he expected her to trample him, she turned around and rode him like a pony. She did it till his back could not support her weight anymore even when she whipped her. It was worse than he had expected.

Riding ponies is what this mistress is into. He likes riding them all the time but she missed it when she moved to the city. She longed to ride them and when she realized it was becoming a tall order, she got a slave a she turned him into her human horse. She rode him and did all manner of things to him. She humiliated him and enjoyed terrorizing him.

This mistress wanted to punish her slave for being rude to her. She did not want it to come from her but from him that he would never do it again. She rode him like a pony and waited till her weight became a bother to him and he could barely hold it. She whipped him when he became exhausted but she did not say anything. She did not get off of him even when collapsed. He begged her to forgive him and promised never to do it again before she forgave him.

This mistress wanted to break this guy in order to get what she wanted from him. She rode him like a horse and being a heavy mistress, she knew it was only a matter of time before it took a toll on him. She humiliated him a great deal and even made him drink water from a bowl like a horse. Then she went on with riding him till he collapsed in exhaustion and told her everything she wanted to know.

Mistress Cindy and this guy were into each other. They also liked role play so she suggested they try pony play. She rode him like a horse and whipped him naughtily as well. She felt great doing it and pushed her skirt up to sit properly. He loved feeling her butt on his back and liked how bossy she was. They were both turned on and it led to an amazing time.

Mistress Denise and her friends had discussed a new way of slave humiliation. They settled on riding slaves like ponies and they all went to try it and agreed to meet the following day to discuss what the experience was. She rode her slave all over the house and while it was fun, what made it a great experience was when she whipped him. She was surprised to find that her friends felt the same way too.

This mistress and her boyfriend had a bet and she won it. They had agreed the winner could do anything to the loser as long as it was not illegal or extreme torture. So she decided to ride him like a pony and she enjoyed it since she had always wanted a horse. She had fun whipping him when he did not do things as fast as she wanted and even though he was slightly humiliated and embarrassed, he had fun as well.

Mistress Sue and her boyfriend are into role play. They love it and enjoy doing it all the time. They take turns to come up with something to do. Today was her turn so she asked her boyfriend to be her human pony. She rode him all over the house and she even whipped him a bit to add some fun to it. This turned both of them on and they had wonderful sex out of it.

This mistress has a thing for ponies but she stays in the city and she cannot have a pony. She lives in a tiny apartment that is barely enough for her stuff let alone a whole horse. But she did not give up her dream of having a horse completely. She turned a slave into her human horse and enjoyed riding him all over her house. She whipped him when she felt he was slacking off and did it while she was wearing her G-string so as to motivate him.

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