Ponyplay Clips

Beautiful girls use men as their ponies

This mistress is not your average mistress. She loves having fun at the expense of others and that is what she did today. She forced this loser to be her human horse. She humiliated him by riding him all over the house. To make sure he would always do what she wanted, she whipped him and did it even when he was tired. She did not want to care of his tiredness.

When she watched funny videos on the internet, this mistress came across pony play fetish. She was so interested in it more than the others she had seen. She did not have a slave so she rented one and had fun riding him like a pony. She even had a whip ready to punish him with when he did not do what she wanted him to do or expected him to do.

Mistress Amber was bored at home and she knew that her slave was her ticket out of boredom. He had not done anything wrong to her but she wanted to use him to kill some boredom. So she summoned him to where she was and she rode him all over the house. She also whipped him at times when she felt like he was not following her orders as well as she wanted.

Mistress Rayana is not afraid of trying new things and today he was trying pony fetish. She summoned her slave and she had him do all she wanted and take him round the house. She rode him and enjoyed how funny it felt. She whipped him when she felt he did not do things the way she expected him to do them. Then she let him go when she got tired of it all.

Mistress Vanessa asked her slave how he would like to be punished, and since he feared the worst, he said he would like her to ride him like a horse. She wanted something not so cruel and painful and not so lenient that she would refuse. She agreed to it and she had fun riding him like a slave. She even had a whip to whip him if he did not obey her instructions.

Mistress Jamie Kate has always loved horses. She loves riding them and has a lot of fun with them. When she felt like punishing her slave, she thought of horses and she thought of humiliating her slave by turning him into a human horse. She trampled him and had him do all the nasty things she wanted. She did not care how he felt even when she whipped him as she rode him.

Mistress Jamie Kate could not believe that her slave wanted to be punished by being treated like a human horse. The idea came from him and not from her and she liked it. She got on top of the slave and rode him all over the house. She even whipped him once in a while for fun. It was brilliant and she loved it although the slave regretted suggesting it.

When this mistress realized that her slave had a fetish for ponies, it gave her an idea to humiliate him and turn him into her pony. She rode him and enjoyed how he carried her all round the house. She even got herself a whip and when she felt he was slow or he did not do things like she wanted, she would whip him and get him to do what she wanted.

Mistress Jamie Kate had to make sure her slave would not repeat what he had done. She made him lick and smell her feet but she realized it was not enough. So she made him her human horse. She rode him all over the house and did not care that he was in pain and that he was tired. He had to do it till she was satisfied and allowed him to rest.

Mistress Jenny wanted to punish her slave but she needed a new way to do it. She tried to think about what to do but nothing came to mind. So she called her friend and asked her. Her friend told her to ride her slave like a horse. She liked the idea so she got a whip and she used it to guide and to ride her slave both for fun and as a punishment.

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